ALDI Spain: A focus on sustainability during an expansion period

ALDI Spain: A focus on sustainability during an expansion period

During the expansion of ALDI Spain into new regions, sustainability remains a key focus, with initiatives to improve animal welfare and promote energy conservation.

For more information about ALDI Spain, please visit the country profile in our Sustainability Report 2021.

ALDI Spain in profile

Regional companies
Total ALDI employees
Year of market entry

Progress on national goals 2022

Supply Chain & Resources


Description and scope

Status 2022 & next steps


40% certified sustainable fish and seafood by end of 2025*

40% certified fish and seafood products (MSC for wild fisheries and ASC, EU organic logo or GLOBAL G.A.P for aquaculture) by end of 2025.

In progress. We reached 24,9% certified sustainable fish and seafood products by the end of 2022.

SDG 12

75% of Spanish wine from sustainable wineries by the end of 2023

75% of PDO/PGI Spanish wine from sustainable wineries (SWfCP, SBTi, ISO 14064 or other ones) by end of 2023.

New goal. Status 2022: 50% of PDO/PGI Spanish wine is from sustainable wineries.

SDG 12

* Adapted target and target year.

Climate & Environment


Description and scope

Status 2022 & next steps


Obtain certification in sustainable building (BREEAM) for a distribution centre in 2022

Achieve the BREEAM certification (in terms of sustainability and energy efficiency), with at least Excellence qualification, in the new distribution platform of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) in 2022.

Goal partially achieved. We have already sent almost 80% of the documentation to obtain the BREEAM certification for the distribution centre of Gran Canaria.

During 2023, we will obtain BREEAM certification for the new logistics centres of Mirando del Ebro and Sagunto, and also for the distribution centres undergoing expansion (Dos Hermanas and Masquefa).

SDG 09

Installation of photovoltaic systems in stores by end of 2023*

Increasing the number of ALDI stores equipped with photovoltaic system by implementing these systems in 25 more stores in Spain throughout 2023.**

Goal achieved. More than 70 stores equipped with photovoltaic systems during 2022. New goal for 2023: Installation of photovoltaic systems in 25 additional stores.

SDG 07

Installation of photovoltaic systems in distribution centres by end of 2022

Installing photovoltaic systems in new distribution centres (600 kWp) and in existing centres undergoing expansion (1,200 kWp) by end of 2022.

Goal achieved. The photovoltaic system was turned on during first quarter of 2023.

SDG 07

Natural refrigerants for refrigeration systems in all new stores and all new distribution centres opened during 2023, as well as in distribution centers undergoing expansion during 2023*

Use of CO2 as refrigerant in all new stores opened during 2023, leading to elimination of synthetic refrigerants (with a higher GWP). Use of natural refrigerants (CO2, NH3) in all new distribution centres opened during 2023, and in existing centres undergoing expansion in 2023.**


Goal achieved. All new stores, the distribution centre opened in 2022 (Gran Canaria), and the distribution centres undergoing expansion (Dos Hermanas and Masquefa) use natural refrigerants for refrigeration systems.

New goal for 2023: All new stores and distribution centres (Miranda del Ebro and Sagunto) opened during 2023 will use natural refrigerants. The distribution centres that are being expanded will change the refrigerants for refrigeration systems (Pinto and Tenerife).

SDG 07

100% green electricity purchased annually

Purchase of 100% green electricity for stores, distribution centres and offices by end of 2022.

Goal achieved. All the energy consumed during 2022 was green.

SDG 07

Implementation of an energy and domotic control system in stores opened during 2023 and in existing stores*

Implementation of an energy and domotic control system in all new stores opened during 2022, as well as in 31 existing stores by end of 2022.**

Goal achieved. All stores opened during 2022 have a domotic control system, alongside 31 existing stores.

New goal for 2023: Implementation of an energy and domotic control system in all new stores opened during 2023.

SDG 09

* Adapted target year.
** Adapted target level.

Employees & Community


Description and scope

Status 2022 & next steps


Promote the FP Dual Programme through new agreements and increasing the number of participants in 2023* 

Establish new agreements and increase the number of participants in the FP Dual Programme in 2023 with the aim to engage a minimum of 20 students each year.**

Goal partially achieved. We currently have five students in their second year (in the sales department) and two students in first course (in the supply chain and sales departments).

SDG 04

Implementation of the programme ALDI Emplea

Programme to train more than 60 young people with the aim of hiring them during 2023

New goal. Out of the 60 people trained, 5 were recruited.

SDG 04

* Adapted target year.
** Adpated target level.




