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CR Programme 2022

As part of our CR Programme1, we set clear goals for all areas:

Customer & Product

Description of goals

Definition of scope

Status 2022 & next steps


20% less virgin plastic in own-brand packaging by 2025

Reduce the total weight of own-brand virgin plastic packaging at ALDI Nord (excluding fruit and vegetables) by 20% – proportional to sales – by end of 2025 at the latest (base year 2020).

In progress. Compared to 2020, 11% less virgin plastic was used by the end of 2022.

SDG 12

30% recycled content in own-brand plastic packaging by 2025

30% recycled content in own-brand plastic packaging by 2025 at the latest (average value).

In progress. 15% recycled content in own-brand plastic packaging  by the end of 2022.

SDG 12

100% sustainably certified and/or recycled materials for all product packaging by end of 2020

Transition of newly purchased product packaging to sustainably certified materials (FSC®, PEFC™, EU Ecolabel or comparable standards) or consisting of more than 70% recycled materials at ALDI Nord, depending on availability by end of 2020. The requirement refers to all own-brand products within the standard product ranges, seasonal products and food specials.

Goal deleted. Due to the fact that this is now a strict requirement for paper/cardboard packaging.

SDG 12

100% reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by end of 2025

100% of own-brand packaging at ALDI Nord to be reusable, recyclable or compostable by end of 2025.

In progress. We achieved 67% reusable, recyclable, or compostable packaging by the end of 2022.

SDG 12

15% less packaging by end of 2025

Reduction of the total weight of own-brand packaging material at ALDI Nord (excluding fruit and vegetables) by 15% – proportional to sales – by end of 2025 (base year 2020).

In progress. Compared to 2020, 14% less packaging was used by the end of 2022.

SDG 12

Reusable nets for fruit and vegetables

Rollout of reusable nets for fruit and vegetables in all stores of the ALDI companies.

Goal deleted. Due to technical reasons, the timeframe for implementation can not be named.

SDG 12

Delisting the disposable plastic bag (e. g. carrier loop bag = "Schlaufentragetasche" with up to 60µ) for the entire ALDI Nord Group of Companies by the end of Q1/2024* at the latest

Single-use plastic bags at the cashier (e.g., closed loop carrier bag, except: knot bags for fruits and vegetables).

Scope strength: bags with < 60µ.

In progress. Adapted target year. At the end of 2021, the delisting was on the verge of reaching its target. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine conflict, there were supply chain issues. The bag was reintroduced.

SDG 12

100% unpackaged organic fruit and vegetables or in environmentally friendly packaging by end of 2023

100% of our organic products (organic fruit and vegetables) will be unpackaged or use environmentally friendly packaging in all ALDI companies by end of 2023. The use of plastic is to be reduced to a minimum, i.e., packaging material only to be used to the extent necessary to ensure product quality and safety and handling.


In progress. No significant changes to the last status in 2021 were identified due to due to challenges in the supply chain for raw materials and sustainable packaging.

SDG 12

Expansion of unpackaged articles in the fruit and vegetable sector to at least 40% by end of 2025

At least 40% of fruit and vegetables will be unpackaged in the stores of all ALDI companies by end of 2025. For products which require packaging, only sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging will be used.


In progress. ALDI Portugal already has 50% unpacked articles in the fruit and vegetable sector. ALDI Poland has 71% unpacked fruit and 75% unpacked vegetables.

SDG 12

Optimise** composition of 100% of ALDI own-brand food products for children by end of 2025*

ALDI food own-brand standard assortment that are kids’ products according to the ALDI Nord definition.

In progress. Implementation is in progress in all countries.

Avoid off-product marketing for children of unhealthy choices and promote healthier products in our leaflets, websites and social media channels by end of 2023*

Avoid off-product marketing of unhealthy products*** for children and advertise and promote healthy products (including fruit and vegetables) in all ALDI companies end of 2023 except special offers e.g., Christmas.

In progress. Implementation is in progress in all countries.

SDG 02

Avoid on-product marketing for children of unhealthy choices and promote healthier assortment and products for kids by end of 2025*

Avoid on-product marketing of unhealthy products*** for children and advertise and promote healthy products (including fruit and vegetables) in all ALDI companies end of 2025 except special offers e.g., Christmas.

In progress. Implementation is in progress in all countries.

SDG 02

Targeted labelling for own-brand products for children latest by end of 2025*

Clear labelling and orientation for own-brand children's products by end of 2025.

In progress. Pending internal decisions will determine how this matter will progress.

Cooperate with at least one partner on national or international level on product range for children by end of 2021

Cooperation with suppliers, organisations and experts for improving current product ranges for children and for working on innovations for all ALDI companies by end of 2021.

Goal deleted. Based on internal discussions, it was decided to focus on product optimisation and marketing restrictions.

SDG 17

Improved nutrient composition in 100% of the defined product groups by end of 2022

Upgrade products through optimised nutritional composition (e.g., reduce salt, sugar or fat, or increase fibres) and offer reliable product ranges for customers with special dietary needs in the product groups Breakfast, Dairy, Chilled Convenience, Freezer and Non-Alcoholic Beverages in all ALDI companies by end of 2022.

Goal deleted. Due to internal reorganisation, the goal has been withdrawn. Nevertheless, the first optimisations have already been completed.

SDG 02

Register 100% of ALDI own-brands by end of 2024 for the Nutri-Score labelling

All food own-brands. Out of scope: Justified internally defined exceptions. The definition of the exceptions relies a.o. on customer expectations.

In progress. Implementation is in progress in all countries.

SDG 02

Improve labelling and communicate sustainable added values

Improve labelling and communicate sustainable added values, such as animal welfare, vegan, organic, improved nutritional labelling and social projects in all ALDI companies.

Goal deleted. This goal has been systematically integrated into our requirements and specification. Further follow-up measures to improve labelling and sustainable added value will be carried on for each topic.

SDG 12

Expand organic assortment

Identify the gaps in the organic assortments in each ALDI country and each product group and listing of missing products in the assortment.

Goal deleted. Due to internal reorganisation, the goal has been withdrawn.

Expand vegetarian and vegan assortment

Expansion of the ranges of vegetarian and vegan products, including certification (e.g., V-Label) in all ALDI companies.

Goal deleted. Due to internal reorganisation, the goal has been withdrawn.

Integrate 100% of all stores in a partnership to reduce food waste by end of 2021****

Integrate 100% of all ALDI stores in cooperations (with e.g., Tafel, Too Good To Go) to reduce food waste by 2021. The goal is reached as soon as every store is working regularly***** with one or more defined potential partners. 

Partially achieved. The goal was achieved in Portugal, Denmark, Poland, and Germany. In the remaining countries, national challenges hinder a 100% implementation (including infrastructure and reachability of some stores, feasibility for donation partners, and other strategic priorities). New measures to further reduce food waste in our stores are currently being evaluated.

SDG 17

Develop regional product ranges in each ALDI country by end of 2021

Development of regional product ranges in each ALDI country by end of 2021. Scope: fruit and vegetables, dairy, fresh meat and fish.

Goal deleted. Due to internal reorganisation, the goal has been withdrawn.

By the end of 2024, offer 100% vegetarian and vegan soy-based dairy, meat, fish & egg alternatives (labelled with V-Label/Green Heart) with European and/or certified soy

Products are soy-based if soy is a primary and/or valuable ingredient. Textured soy protein (TSP) is also included in the scope. Accepted certifications and standard are RTRS, Pro Terra, ISCC+, SFAP Non-Conversion, CRS, BFA, Danube/Europe Soy, Cargill Triple S, ADM Responsible Soy Standard, Bunge Pro S.

In progress. 63,9% of vegetarian and vegan soy-based dairy, meat, fish & egg alternatives (labelled with V-Label) were made with European and/or certified soy by the end of 2022.

Compensation of all CO2e emissions for internationally purchased vegan meat, fish and dairy alternatives (with V-Label) at ALDI Nord until end of 2023

Vegan meat, fish and dairy alternatives labelled with the V-Label purchased by International Buying. The scope also includes vegetarian varieties if those are part of a mixed box in which vegan products are offered.

Goal deleted. Based on internal discussions, it was decided to abstain from the compensation of all CO2e emissions for internationally purchased products at ALDI Nord.

SDG 12

* Adapted target year.
** Optimisation is conducted based on the WHO nutrient profile model.
*** Products that do not meet the WHO nutrient profile model.
**** To be revised for communication in 2024.
***** "Regularly" means enabling the redistribution of food surplus as often as possible from both sides.

Supply Chain & Resources

Description of goals

Definition of scope

Status 2022 & next steps


Pursue the goal of 100% certified flowers and plants

Continuously monitor share of certified sustainable plants and flowers (e.g., GLOBALG.A.P. in combination with GRASP or alternative standards) in all ALDI companies.

Ongoing. In the next step, we will focus on harmonising the monitoring approach in all countries to obtain more reliable data. This will enable a clear statement on the status of the goal.

SDG 12

Social evaluation of 100% of producers for fruit and vegetables*

Continuously monitor the share of certified sustainable fruit and vegetables (e.g., GLOBALG.A.P. in combination with GRASP or alternative standards) in all ALDI companies.

Ongoing. The certification of fruit and vegetables is an internal requirement for our suppliers for medium and high-risk countries. We accept, e.g., GRASP, Rainforest Alliance, and Fairtrade, so we assume we are at 100% already. The next steps focus on monitoring and verifying the requirement. To do this, we will be strengthening the monitoring system by end of 2024.

Extension of animal welfare criteria

Ongoing expansion of test and certification systems and own standards in all ALDI companies that go beyond the statutory requirements and include animal welfare aspects.

Goal deleted. Comparing animal welfare internationally is proving difficult.

100% sustainable cotton by end of 2025

Use of sustainable cotton (e.g., GOTS, OCS 100/blended, Fairtrade, recycled cotton, BCI, or CmiA) for all clothing and home textiles in all ALDI companies by end of 2025.

In progress. We reached 90,6% certified sustainable cotton by the end of 2022. An increase of 8,6% compared to the previous year.

SDG 12

Further implementation of Corporate Responsibility Supplier Evaluations

Rollout of Corporate Responsibility Supplier Evaluations (CRSE) in all high-risk supply chains by 2027.

Under revision. Based on the (upcoming) Risk Analysis in ALDI Supply Chain, the decision of a further roll-out of CRSE to other supply chains will be finalised in 2023.


Commitment to eliminate deforestation and conversion of natural ecosystems from our high-priority supply chains by 31 December 2030

For all ten deforestation related supply chains: palm oil, soy, cocoa, coffee, timber, wood-based packaging, banana, beef, coconut, sugar cane.**

In progress. Beef from Brazil has been excluded from our supply chains by 2023. Next step: Sugar cane and coconut. The upcoming EU legislation on deforestation does not cover these supply chains.

SDG 06

By end of 2022, commitment to publish the names and addresses of the first-tier suppliers of our high-risk food supply chains

The first-tier suppliers of our high-priority food supply chains active in 2021 are affected.

Goal achieved. The list, which is continuously being udpated, can be found here.

Identify impacts on human rights and implement transparent reporting according to our due diligence strategy

We aim to conduct and publish up to 12 Human Rights Impact Assessment  (HRIAs)*** by end of 2025, at least one in every high-priority supply chain identified in our Human Rights Risk Analysis.

In progress. We have conducted 3 HRIAs already. These HRIAs include insights into the following supply chains: fish & seafood, tea from Assam, India, and citrus from Murcia and Valencia, Spain. We will continue with new HRIAs in 2023.

SDG 08

Establishment of grievance mechanisms that meet the requirements of the UNGPs in our high-risk supply chains by 2025

We aim for coverage in selected tiers identified in our sustainability risk analysis by 2025.

In progress. We are currently working with other stakeholders to establish and strengthen grievance mechanisms. This commitment includes participating in amfori’s Speak for Change Programme, and in the grievance mechanisms of other initiatives. We are also evaluating additional initiatives, pilot projects, and tools to extend coverage. Our initial findings and additional information can be found here under "4. Grievance mechanism".

SDG 08

100% transparency on all input chemicals used in all wet-production facilities used for ALDI production by 2024


The goal covers all wet-production facilities in risk countries used for the production of ALDI textiles and shoes.

In progress. The employees at wet-production facilities are being trained and familiarised with the new processes so that they can report their input chemicals correctly.

SDG 03

* Removed deadline of "by end of 2023", as this goal should be reached already and the main task is ongoing verification.
** Widening of target scope.
*** A Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) is a process to understand and systematically identify how specific supply chain activities potentially affect internationally recognized human rights. It gives information on key human rights risk and root causes and included the perspective of relevant rightsholders.

Climate & Environment

Description of goals

Definition of scope

Status 2022 & next steps


55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by end of 2030 (baseline 2020)

All new stores will be equipped with PV panels. Systems will be fitted in every store where it is technically possible and economically feasible.

In progress. 23.2% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2022, compared to the reference year 2020. The focus was on increasing efficiency and renewable energy sources.

SDG 07

ALDI Nord Group of Companies commits that 75% of its suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services will have science-based targets by 2024

Committing our suppliers who represent at least 75% of purchased goods and services emissions (Scope 3) to set their own science-based reduction targets by 2024.

In progress. In 2022, we reached 34% of the goal.

Increase the ratio of ALDI stores equipped with photovoltaic systems through continuous expansion

All new stores will be equipped with PV panels. Systems will be fitted in every store where it is technically possible and economically feasible.

Ongoing. Almost all new stores have been equipped with PV systems (in Germany, 80 stores in 2022). The next step is to continue equipping new buildings with PV systems.

SDG 07

Install at least 500 fast-charging stations for electric vehicles at our stores by the end of 2024

Install at least 500 fast-charging stations (between 50 and 150 kW) for electric vehicles at our stores by the end of 2024; equip all stores where technically feasible and economical.

New goal. Project will be launched in 2023.

SDG 07

The common goals, and the country-specific goals, are available as a separate PDF.

1 Each ALDI company can set individual targets which may go beyond the standard set by ALDI Nord. Should national legal requirements in one of the ALDI countries set higher requirements than the targets published here, these requirements will be met in the respective country.





